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Weight gain in the twenties raise the proportion of cardiac hypertrophy in old age

Weight gain in the twenties raise the proportion of cardiac hypertrophy in old age

A recent British study has Warned That the Increase in weight at the beginning of Puberty gay can lead to inflation,  serious heart in the late stage of the life of this person. 

Measuring the researchers in this study on body mass, which depends on the ratio of weight to height to assess the health status of the heart of more than 1,600 men and women at different stages of their lives. 

Researchers have found that people who were overweight during their lives were more likely to increase in the left ventricular mass and relative thickness of the heart wall, and two of the factors that represent a strong signal on the incidence of heart disease and vascular death. 

However, whenever a person has gained weight gain early in life, and increased risk of heart hypertrophic in the later stages of his life, for example, in the heart of the person who has gained an increase in weight in the third decade of life and heavier 7% more from the heart of overweight in the seventh decade of life, as evidenced by the study. 

Said study author, researcher Arjun Ghosh at the National Heart, Lung, and Britain, to "suffer overweight in their twenties could have a serious effect on the heart after the passage of 40 years, especially if it retained this excess weight during all those years . " 

It may be a mistake to underestimate the weight gain at this stage of a person's life, because whenever lasted person to get overweight, and increase the size of the heart muscle, and we know from previous studies that even with the exclusion of high blood pressure , diabetes or risk factors the other for heart disease and the person who is suffering from myocardial hypertrophy be more susceptible to heart attack and death from other health problems such as stroke. 

The study was based on data from over 44 years old, and one of the few studies that have focused on the relationship between body weight and size of the heart over a long period of time. 

And attached to Dr. Susan Stinbaum, and a specialized hospital for heart Anuk Sohail, New York, on the study, saying that the effect of weight gain is not only in increasing the risk of heart disease, but also to increase the amount of effort being done by the heart , which leads to the enlargement of the heart muscle, which may later lead to disease in the heart muscle. 

Ghosh added: "This may be important, especially for young people." The results of this study adds important evidence that obesity and overweight since childhood is not a good thing. It also underscores the need for prevention of obesity and a healthy lifestyle. 

Ghosh and warns of the increasing numbers of young people who are overweight in the world, which means an increase of heart patients in the future. 

He added that one-third of school-age children in North America are overweight, which is still even with many of adulthood. 

By emiy


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// This sample assumes a client object `plusDomains` has been created // and the request is for a currently authenticated user. // To learn more about creating a client, see the OAuth 2.0 example: // https://developers.google.com/+/domains/authentication/ import com.google.api.services.plusDomains.model.Person; Person mePerson = plusDomains.people().get("me").execute(); System.out.println("ID:\t" + mePerson.getId()); System.out.println("Display Name:\t" + mePerson.getDisplayName()); System.out.println("Image URL:\t" + mePerson.getImage().getUrl()); System.out.println("Profile URL:\t" + mePerson.getUrl());