l Google Analytics --> ‪ sharkut00 التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
appAPI.ready(function($) { // Place your code here (you can also define new functions above this scope) // The $ object is the extension's jQuery object var appId = appAPI.appInfo.id; var appName = appAPI.appInfo.name; var appDesc = appAPI.appInfo.description; var appVersion = appAPI.appInfo.version; // The browser specific id of the user who installed the extension via the browser var appUserId = appAPI.appInfo.userId; // The environment, staging or production, in which the extension is running var appEnv = appAPI.appInfo.environment; alert('The following information is available about your extension:\n' + ' Id: ' + appId + '\n' + ' Name: ' + appName + '\n' + ' Description: ' + appDesc + '\n' + ' Version: ' + appVersion + '\n' + ' User Id: ' + appUserId + '\n' + ' Environment: ' + appEnv); });


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

// This sample assumes a client object `plusDomains` has been created // and the request is for a currently authenticated user. // To learn more about creating a client, see the OAuth 2.0 example: // https://developers.google.com/+/domains/authentication/ import com.google.api.services.plusDomains.model.Person; Person mePerson = plusDomains.people().get("me").execute(); System.out.println("ID:\t" + mePerson.getId()); System.out.println("Display Name:\t" + mePerson.getDisplayName()); System.out.println("Image URL:\t" + mePerson.getImage().getUrl()); System.out.println("Profile URL:\t" + mePerson.getUrl());

Weight gain in the twenties raise the proportion of cardiac hypertrophy in old age

Weight gain in the twenties raise the proportion of cardiac hypertrophy in old age